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Conservation Commission Agenda 12/17/09
Becket Conservation Commission
6:30 PM Becket Town Hall
December 17, 2009

1.      Approval of minutes of November 19, 2009 and December 3, 2009 meetings.

2.      Continued Request for Determination of Applicability  Massachusetts Highway
        Department.  Rte 20 West from Chester TL to just East of Andrews Corner
        Micro milling and resurfacing the roadway; also removing and resetting granite
        curbs and guardrails as needed

3.      Request for Determination of Applicability  Palmer Brook Corporation  Plumb Rd.
        Map 408 lot 37  Cutting of trees in the buffer zone as needed for dam maintenance

4.      Continued Request for Determination of Applicability Julie and Michael Fay  23
        Lady Lucille Drive  Map 215 lots 183 & 184  Replace existing house foundation;
        add porch; remove trees, fill and grade

5.      Request for Determination of Applicability  Gino Mercadante  3729 Jacob’s
        Ladder Rd.  Map 201 lot 13  Construct a stone patio and install pre cast steps to
        Greenwater Pond

6.      Joseph and Angela Gruber 48 Osceola Drive  Map 211 lot 18 DEP # 102-357
Discussion of revised plan including a more detailed account of the work as well as
        Replacement of the 3 birch trees compatible with the site.

7.      Al Kirchner Discussion of Center Pond permit for weed treatment.

8.      Request for Certificate of Compliance (partial)  Steve Turner Two State YMCA
        DEP # 102-342

9.      Administrative Business